Sunday, 7 October 2012


Well, what a summer! Beautiful cycling days were few and far between but all the sweeter for their scarcity. And it wasn't just the Olympics getting people's hearts racing... Romance blossomed for some lucky cycle speed daters - you know who you are!

If you didn't find love this time, keep on pedalling. You never know when your eyes will meet on the cycle path, or your fingers brush each other's when you're sharing a bike rack. Bristol's cyclists are beautiful and you're one of them - so remember to smile, you never know who's going to smile back.


Saturday, 16 June 2012

Cycle speed dating returns...

Madame Melski and her glamorous assistants return once again to bring pedal powered matchmaking to Bristol. Every Tuesday in July, we'll be baking cakes, mixing drinks and preparing to welcome you to the sometimes shambolic but always delightful little gathering that is cycle speed dating.

love cakes
Tuesday 3rd - CANCELLED
Tuesday 10th - age group 30-40 
Tuesday 17th - age group 35-45
Tuesday 24th - age group 20-35
Tuesday 31st - age group 45 plus

All events take place in central Bristol from 8pm-10pm and advance booking is essential. 

There will be a £6 cover charge per bicyclist. Past events have sold out fast so book now!

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Under construction...

Exciting times! The summer will soon be upon us and that means not only a summer of cycling but hopefully also a summer of love. Like the sixties but on bicycles. Maybe.

Anyway, stand by for details about the next Cycle Speed Dating events in Bristol or better still email with your name and age to subscribe to the mailing list. 

À bientôt my pretties x