Saturday, 16 June 2012

Cycle speed dating returns...

Madame Melski and her glamorous assistants return once again to bring pedal powered matchmaking to Bristol. Every Tuesday in July, we'll be baking cakes, mixing drinks and preparing to welcome you to the sometimes shambolic but always delightful little gathering that is cycle speed dating.

love cakes
Tuesday 3rd - CANCELLED
Tuesday 10th - age group 30-40 
Tuesday 17th - age group 35-45
Tuesday 24th - age group 20-35
Tuesday 31st - age group 45 plus

All events take place in central Bristol from 8pm-10pm and advance booking is essential. 

There will be a £6 cover charge per bicyclist. Past events have sold out fast so book now!


  1. Chaps - do the decent thing and sign up for Tuesday 10th as we have an imbalance on that particular date for some reason. Don't leave the ladies without a date, book now...

  2. Hello Madame Melski

    I'm a new local business as a mobile oyster bar and I currently serve from my Pashley trike and thought it would make a great addition to your speed dating? Drop me a line if you want more details. lin

    Oysters + Trike = double love


  3. Love is one of the major important parts of life. It should be there in one’s life in order to maintain a good relationship with their loved ones. It should be dealt with carefully otherwise, it will lead to loneliness in the person’s life. If your relationship was recently ended and you want to get back your relationship, there are many ways to get back your ex boyfriend/ex girlfriend. Small changes and little conversations make it simple to back ended relationship. To know the ways in which you can get back your relationship with your ex- boyfriend and ex-girlfriend, follow the below blog.

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